Arizona Mesa Mission
Missionary Site(s)
LDS Mission Network
Dear Elder--Elder Joshua Dodge 2009-2011
Dear Elder--Elder Samuel Edmonds 2009-2011
Dear Elder--Elder Jason Hadley 2009-2011
Dear Elder--Elder Jason Mace 2008-2010
Dear Elder--Sister Sarah Tomoser 2008-2010
Dear Elder--Sister Jessica DeMille 2008-2009
Dear Elder--Elder Joshua Tackett 2007-2009
MissionSite Net--Elder Michael Burner 2007-2009
MissionSite.Net--Elder Austin Cornilles 2009-2011
MissionSite Net--Sister Jessica DeMille 2008-2009
MissionSite.Net--Elder Jeffrey Gomez 2008-2010
MissionSite.Net--Elder Nathaniel Isom 2009-2011
MissionSite.Net--Elder Todd Kelly 2008-2010
MissionSite.Net--Elder Luke Leonard 2009-2011
MissionSite.Net--Elder Kevin McGowen 2009-2011
MissionSite.Net--Elder Leif Strom 2009-2011
MissionSite Net--Sister Sarah Tomoser 2008-2010
MissionSite Net--Elder Ross Woodside 2008-2010
MissionSite Net--Elder Tyler Woolf
MissionSite Net--Elder Josh Yates 2007-2009 Adam Anderson 2003-2005 David Binder 1970-1972 Dan Crites 1979-1981 Elizabeth Dalton 2000-2002 Nadia Daou 2004-2005 Joseph Ellis 2003-2005 Andrea Evans 2001-2002 Timothy Gustafson 1998-1999 Roe 2007-2009 Brian Scott 2003-2005
LDS Mission Network
Dear Elder--Elder Joshua Dodge 2009-2011
Dear Elder--Elder Samuel Edmonds 2009-2011
Dear Elder--Elder Jason Hadley 2009-2011
Dear Elder--Elder Jason Mace 2008-2010
Dear Elder--Sister Sarah Tomoser 2008-2010
Dear Elder--Sister Jessica DeMille 2008-2009
Dear Elder--Elder Joshua Tackett 2007-2009
MissionSite Net--Elder Michael Burner 2007-2009
MissionSite.Net--Elder Austin Cornilles 2009-2011
MissionSite Net--Sister Jessica DeMille 2008-2009
MissionSite.Net--Elder Jeffrey Gomez 2008-2010
MissionSite.Net--Elder Nathaniel Isom 2009-2011
MissionSite.Net--Elder Todd Kelly 2008-2010
MissionSite.Net--Elder Luke Leonard 2009-2011
MissionSite.Net--Elder Kevin McGowen 2009-2011
MissionSite.Net--Elder Leif Strom 2009-2011
MissionSite Net--Sister Sarah Tomoser 2008-2010
MissionSite Net--Elder Ross Woodside 2008-2010
MissionSite Net--Elder Tyler Woolf
MissionSite Net--Elder Josh Yates 2007-2009 Adam Anderson 2003-2005 David Binder 1970-1972 Dan Crites 1979-1981 Elizabeth Dalton 2000-2002 Nadia Daou 2004-2005 Joseph Ellis 2003-2005 Andrea Evans 2001-2002 Timothy Gustafson 1998-1999 Roe 2007-2009 Brian Scott 2003-2005
LDS Mission Network
Dear Elder--Sister Jessica DeMille
MissionSite Net--Sister Jessica DeMille
MissionSite Net--Elder Michael Burner
MissionSite.Net--Elder Jeffrey Gomez
MissionSite.Net--Elder Todd Kelly
MissionSite.Net--Elder Luke Leonard
MissionSite Net--Sister Sarah Tomoser
MissionSite Net--Elder Ross Woodside
MissionSite Net--Elder Tyler Woolf
MissionSite Net--Elder Josh Yates
LDS Mission Network
"New Mission Presidents Begin Service," (R. Spence Ellsworth) Ensign [July 2010].
"Mission President Assignments for 2010," (new mission president R. Spence Ellsworth, former mission president W. Mark Bassett) Church News [Saturday, 13 February 2010].
"New Mission Presidents," (Robert Spence Ellsworth) Church News [Saturday, 13 March 2010].
“New Mission Presidents Now in Place Worldwide,” (W. Mark Bassett) Ensign, July 2007, 77–78
"New Mission Presidents," (W. Mark Bassett) Church News [Saturday, 17 March 2007].
"New Mission Presidents Receive Assignment," (new mission president W. Mark Bassett, former mission president W. Tracy Watson) Church News [Saturday, 3 March 2007].
“New Mission Presidents Begin Service,” (W. Tracy Watson) Ensign, July 2004, 74–75
"New and Returning Mission Presidents for 113 Missions," ( new mission president W. Tracy Watson, former mission president Nigel G. Wappett) Church News [Saturday, 6 March 2004].
LDS Mission Network
Dear Elder--Sister Jessica DeMille
MissionSite Net--Sister Jessica DeMille
MissionSite Net--Elder Michael Burner
MissionSite.Net--Elder Jeffrey Gomez
MissionSite.Net--Elder Todd Kelly
MissionSite.Net--Elder Luke Leonard
MissionSite Net--Sister Sarah Tomoser
MissionSite Net--Elder Ross Woodside
MissionSite Net--Elder Tyler Woolf
MissionSite Net--Elder Josh Yates
LDS Mission Network
"New Mission Presidents Begin Service," (R. Spence Ellsworth) Ensign [July 2010].
"Mission President Assignments for 2010," (new mission president R. Spence Ellsworth, former mission president W. Mark Bassett) Church News [Saturday, 13 February 2010].
"New Mission Presidents," (Robert Spence Ellsworth) Church News [Saturday, 13 March 2010].
“New Mission Presidents Now in Place Worldwide,” (W. Mark Bassett) Ensign, July 2007, 77–78
"New Mission Presidents," (W. Mark Bassett) Church News [Saturday, 17 March 2007].
"New Mission Presidents Receive Assignment," (new mission president W. Mark Bassett, former mission president W. Tracy Watson) Church News [Saturday, 3 March 2007].
“New Mission Presidents Begin Service,” (W. Tracy Watson) Ensign, July 2004, 74–75
"New and Returning Mission Presidents for 113 Missions," ( new mission president W. Tracy Watson, former mission president Nigel G. Wappett) Church News [Saturday, 6 March 2004].
Sister Karen Casos 2009-2010
Sister Kimberly Anthony 2009-2011
Tender Mercies (President and Sister W. Mark Bassett, 2007-2010)
Elder and Sister Dennis and Meta Beck 2009-2010
Elder Brandon Caywood 2009-2011
Sister Karen Casos 2009-2010
Elder Zachary Christensen 2009-2011
Sister Liz Clark 2009-2011
Devon in Mesa ( Elder Devin Leigh DeCremer, 2010-2012)
The Alec Is (Elder Alec Hoopes, Arizona Mesa Mission 2008-2010)
Hugos on a Mission (Elder and Sister Chuck and Nancy, 2010-2011)
Elder Michael Kinney 2010-2012
Sister Brynn Ladd 2009-2010
Elder Jason Mace 2008-2010
Elder Shae Morgan 2009-2011
Daniel the Lamanite (Elder Daniel Paredes, Arizona Mesa Mission) 2009-2011
Elder Renton McKay Rindlisbacher 2010-2012
Elder Morgan Thomas 2010-2012
Voice of Deseret--Missionary in Mesa Arizona Attacked by Two Masked Thugs (April 2008)Articles
"New Temple Presidents," (Lewis Noble Tenney called as president of Arizona Snow Flake Temple former counselor in Arizona Mesa Mission) Church News (Wednesday, 2 July 2008].
Patricia Auxier, “Missionary Trio,” (Elder Trevor Olvera) NewEra, Oct 2007, 34–36
"New Temple Presidents," (Lewis Noble Tenney called as president of Arizona Snow Flake Temple former counselor in Arizona Mesa Mission) Church News (Wednesday, 2 July 2008].
Patricia Auxier, “Missionary Trio,” (Elder Trevor Olvera) NewEra, Oct 2007, 34–36
"Changes to Deaf Mission Areas," (Transferred from Arizona Mesa Mission to Arizona Phoenix Mission) 6 October 2006.
“New Missions Created, Others Combined,” Ensign, June 2002, 75
Jill Adair, "Bringing Others to Christ," (mission president Del R. Jones quoted) Church News [Saturday, 30 March 2002].
"Stake Alignments in Newly Organized Missions," Church News [Saturday, 16 March 2002].
"New and Returning Mission Presidents," ( new mission president Nigel George Wappett, *New mission) Church News [Saturday, 9 March 2002].
Shaun D. Stahle, "Seven New Missions Created," Church News [Saturday, 9 March 2002].
“New Missions Created, Others Combined,” Ensign, June 2002, 75
Jill Adair, "Bringing Others to Christ," (mission president Del R. Jones quoted) Church News [Saturday, 30 March 2002].
"Stake Alignments in Newly Organized Missions," Church News [Saturday, 16 March 2002].
"New and Returning Mission Presidents," ( new mission president Nigel George Wappett, *New mission) Church News [Saturday, 9 March 2002].
Shaun D. Stahle, "Seven New Missions Created," Church News [Saturday, 9 March 2002].
Rey L. Pratt (President of Mexican Mission) Conference Report October 1927 said:
It may be a revelation to some of you to know that there are great communities of Lamanite people of Mexican nationality, residing in the large cities of the south and southwestern parts of our country. In the city of Los Angeles alone it is estimated that there are between fifty and seventy-five thousand Mexican people living in sections of the city pretty much by themselves. In that city we have a remarkable work started and are making great progress. Your boys and girls who are down there in that mission are happy to be engaged in that work and find no difficulty in confining their labors to a people Who speak a foreign language. They have acquired the language with remarkable success, and success is attending their labors. The same might be said in relation to other cities along the border. We hive missionaries in Mesa, Arizona, in Ray and other places around the great mining parts of Arizona. We have missionaries in Tucson; we have missionaries in Bisbee, and Douglas, also in Albuquerque and southern Colorado. They are doing a splendid work in El Paso, Texas. We have missionaries in Del Rio, San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi, Eagle Pass, Laredo, and Brownsville, all in Texas. At a recent conference held in the southeastern part of our mission at Laredo, at which Elder Joseph Fielding Smith, of the Council of Twelve, was present, we were able to preach to a congregation of some two hundred and twenty people at some of our sessions. I remember to have gone to the same city only a few years ago, at which time I surveyed the situation, and there was not so much as one who had any sympathy for us within the confines of that city or surrounding country. I am proud to be identified with the missionary work there. I am proud of the young men and the young women who comprise our missionary force. I love the work of the Lord. I bear you my testimony that the gospel is true.
In Andrew Jenson Encyclopedic History we read of how Mesa was once part of the Mexican Mission:
Mexican Mission
MEXICAN MISSION (The) comprises the republic of Mexico and the Mexican population residing in Arizona, New Mexico and California, U. S. A. Conditions in Mexico at the close of 1930 were such that no statistical reports were available whereby the mission could be segregated into districts or branches as in the other [p.494] missions, but according to the official statistical report the total membership of the Church in the mission was 3,882 on Dec. 31, 1930, including 88 Elders, 87 priests, 69 Teachers, 131 Deacons and about 2,500 lay members and 1,000 children. Fifty-six missionaries from Zion, including nine missionary sisters, were laboring in the mission at the close of 1930. At that time the mission consisted of the following branches of the Church: El Paso, in Texas; Gila Indian Reservation at San Juan in Maricopa Co., Arizona; Brownsville, in Texas; Los Angeles, in California; Saltillo, in Coahuila, Mexico; Pacheco, in Hidalgo, Mexico; San Marco, Tula and Hidalgo, in Mexico; Chihuahua, in Chihuahua, Mexico; La Paz in Mexico, and Mesa, Maricopa Co., Arizona. Rey L. Pratt, of the First Council of Seventy, was president of the mission, the headquarters of which were at 2067 South Hobart Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.
At the general conference of the Church held in Salt Lake City in October, 1875, Elders Daniel Jones, Anthony W. Ivins, Ammon M. Tenney, James Z. Stewart, Helaman Pratt, Robert H. Smith and Wiley C. Jones were called to open a mission in the Republic of Mexico. Later Meliton G. Trejo was added to the mission. The missionaries crossed the Rio Grande at El Paso, and began their labors there Jan. 7, 1876. Three months later the mission extended its activities to the city of Chihuahua, the capital of the state of Chihuahua. Select passages from the Book of Mormon were translated by Elder Trejo into the Spanish language and distributed among the people. A very successful meeting was held in the city of Chihuahua attended by 500 people, and many private interviews were had with the people and city and state officials.
The missionaries returned to the United States in April of the same year. The following year (1876) Louis Garff and Meliton G. Trejo opened a mission in Sonora, Mexico, and baptized five persons in Hermosillo, in Sonora. In May of the same year Helaman Pratt and George Ferry commenced a mission among the Yaquis Indians of Sonora, but not much progress could be made with these very warlike people. In the fall of 1878 Pres. John Taylor received a number of letters from Dr. Platino C. Rhodacanaty, a resident of the City of Mexico, making inquiry concerning the doctrines of the Church. In response to these inquiries a number of the Church works were sent and through them a score of people became interested in the work and believed it so far as they could understand it from books.
A year later, at the October conference, 1879, Elder Moses Thatcher of Logan, Utah, James Z. Stewart of Draper, Utah, and Meliton G. Trejo of San Pedro, Ariz., were called to open a mission in the City of Mexico. Elder Thatcher was joined by Elder Stewart in Chicago and by Elder Trejo in New Orleans. This second mission really grew out of the first mission to Mexico since it was through one of the pamphlets containing translations from the Book of Mormon by Elder Trejo which fell into the hands of Dr. Rhodacanaty that the correspondence with Pres. John Taylor was started. The missionaries entered Mexico via Vera Cruz, arriving at the capital city Nov. 16, 1879. The brethren found that Dr. Rhodacanaty, Pres. Taylor’s correspondent, was a Greek on the paternal and a Mexican on the maternal side. He was an educated and cultured gentleman and had been publishing a monthly periodical entitled “Vos del Dieserto,” in which he was setting forth the principles of the new dispensation. Four days after the arrival of the missionaries in the City of Mexico Elder Thatcher baptized Dr. Rhodacanaty and one Silviano Artiaga; the latter was said to be a pure Aztec. Two days later six others were baptized, and on Nov. 23, 1879, a branch of the Church was organized with Dr. Rhodacanaty as president and Silviano Artiaga and Jose Ybarola as counselors—all three being ordained Elders. [p.495] Through the American minister, Mr. Foster, to whose receptions he was invited, Elder Thatcher was enabled to meet some of the leading men of the City of Mexico and of the republic. Later he had an extended interview with Senor Ignacio Mariscal, who for many years was the accredited representative of the Mexican government at Washington, D.C., and later minister of foreign affairs in the Mexican government. He was well acquainted with Utah affairs and esteemed as one of the ablest men of the Mexican cabinet.
The mission met with opposition, and some of the newspapers in Mexico, as well as leading newspapers in the United States, published scurrilous articles against the Mormons, but through Elder Thatcher’s effectual answers to the writers in the “Two Republics,” and other papers, the unfriendly attitude of these newspapers was overcome. This newspaper controversy concerning the Latter-day Saints and their faith was not unfavorable to the work, and by the close of the year 1879 sixteen persons had been baptized and added to the little branch previously organized. In January, 1880, Parley P. Pratt’s “Voice of Warning” was translated into the Spanish language by Elders Stewart and Trejo and later printed. Elder Thatcher left the City of Mexico for Utah Feb. 4, 1880, leaving Elder James Z. Stewart in charge of the mission pro tem—a responsibility which he ably discharged. Elder Thatcher returned to the City of Mexico Dec. 5, 1880, accompanied by Elder Feramorz L. Young. During his absence the Spanish translation of the “Voice of Warning” had been widely circulated, and soon after his return a 4000 edition of John Nicholson’s tract, “Means of Escape,” was issued in Spanish and circulated. This was followed by a 32 page treatise on the divine origin of the Book of Mormon written in English and then translated into Spanish and published in that language. Elder Thatcher also wrote a treatise on “Mormon Polygamy and Christian Monogamy Compared”. This was also translated into the Spanish language and published. Elder Stewart had written a treatise on the “Coming of the Messiah,” 30,000 copies of which were widely distributed. There was also a complete translation of the Book of Mormon into the Spanish language under the supervision of Elder Thatcher, the conjoint work of Elders Trejo and Stewart. The book was published in 1886. Meantime a number of baptisms had been administered in addition to those already noted, and by August, 1881, the branch in Mexico had 61 members. Another branch of the Church was organized at Ozumba, at the base of Popocatepetl. Ozumba is about 40 miles southeast of the City of Mexico. In August, 1881, Elder Thatcher was released to return home, and on Sept. 15, 1881, accompanied by Fernando A. Lara, a native Mexican brother, and Elder Feramorz L. Young, whose health was failing him, he left Mexico via Vera Cruz for Utah. En route, while crossing the Gulf of Mexico, Elder Young died of typhoid fever, and as there was no means of preserving the body in that climate, he was buried at sea Sept. 28, 1881, off the coast of Florida. August H. F. Wilcken, who had arrived in Mexico three months before the departure of Elder Thatcher, was placed in charge of the work in Mexico, being the only Elder from Utah left in the mission. Subsequently, however, he was joined by other Elders, and though the force from Utah was never large, the mission was continued under various presidents until 1888, and by June, 1889, all the Utah Elders were withdrawn from the Republic.
The Mexican Mission was reopened in June, 1901, by Elder John Henry Smith, assisted by Elders Anthony W. Ivins and Henry Eyring, both of the presidency of the Juarez Stake of Zion, which by this time had been organized with saints residing in the states of Chihuahua and Sonora. Ammon M. Tenney was chosen as president of the mission. The visiting party of [p.496] brethren, before leaving the City of Mexico, had an interview with Pres. Diaz to whom they explained the nature of their mission then reopened. Pres. Diaz expressed great satisfaction and wished the brethren success. After the visitors had left the City of Mexico June 17, 1881, to return to their homes, Elder Tenney took up his labors in which he was fairly successful. The force of missionaries from Utah and the Mormon colonies steadily increased and in September, 1881, they numbered 11, and two years later these were increased to twenty.
Missionary work in Mexico continued until the revolutions and counter revolutions beginning in 1911 made it necessary for the missionaries to be withdrawn on account of national prejudice against the United States. Occasional attempts were made to reopen the mission, but in 1919 missionary headquarters for the mission were transferred from Mexico City to El Paso, Texas. Meantime a considerable amount of missionary work was done among the Mexicans in Arizona, New Mexico, and southern Colorado, and representatives of the Mexican Mission visited the saints in Mexico as opportunity offered, but the Elders were not permitted to make permanent residence in the capacity of missionaries in Mexico. The local Mexican saints, however, in many of their branches, held together steadfastly under the direction of the local priesthood and conferences were held occasionally in the various districts, reports of such meetings being sent to mission headquarters in El Paso. This system is continued to the present time (1930).
A little pamphlet entitled “El Evangilio Restaurado,” published monthly by the Mexican Mission, has been liberally distributed to the saints in Mexico, giving much enlightenment and encouragement to them in their isolated condition. In 1929 a new and improved edition of the Book of Mormon in the Spanish language was published in Independence, Missouri, under the direction of Pres. Rey L. Pratt. The number of baptisms which have been performed in Mexico by the native missionaries under present conditions is remarkable. A chapel for the benefit of the Mexican saints has recently been erected in Mesa, Arizona. In 1929 the headquarters of the Mexican Mission were moved from El Paso, Texas, to Los Angeles, California.
Following is the list of presidents of the Mexican Mission: Moses Thatcher, 1879–1881; James Z. Stewart, who presided during the absence of Elder Thatcher from Feb., 1880, to Dec., 1880; August H. F. Wilcken, 1881–1883; Anthony W. Ivins, 1883–1884; Helaman Pratt, 1884–1887; Horace H. Cummings, May, 1887–Oct., 1887, and Henry Eyring, Oct., 1887–June, 1889. After the reopening of the mission in 1901 the following Elders have presided: Ammon M. Tenney, 1901–1903; Hyrum Smith Harris, 1903–1904; Talma E. Pomeroy, 1904–1905; Hyrum S. Harris (second term), 1905–1907, and Rey L. Pratt, 1907–1930. (See Comprehensive History of the Church by B. H. Roberts, Vol. 5, pp. 568–579. Also Jenson’s Biographical Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, pp. 127–136.)
Rey L. Pratt in the Improvement Era May 1928 wrote:
A very great blessing to the Mexican mission has been the building and dedication of the temple at Mesa, Arizona, which brings within the reach of the good Mexican Saints along the border the great blessings and privileges of this most sacred work. A thriving branch of the mission is located at Mesa, and a number of its members have availed themselves of the privileges of receiving, in the House of the Lord, their own blessings, and of laboring for the redemption of their dead. The spirit of temple work is upon the people in all parts of the mission, even those residing in the Republic of Mexico, and much genealogy has been, and will be, gathered, that the work of redemption may be carried on for the fathers of our people in the mission.
Daniel Johnson in the Improvement Era December 1927 in an article entitled "Missionary Mecca" wrote:
A Missionary Mecca
The dedication of the Arizona temple, brought the Saints from far and near to Mesa, where it is located. With them came also the missionaries laboring in the different mission fields. There were present about 135, representing the California, Western States, Mexican, Central States, and the Northwestern States missions.
The missionaries traveled to the temple by way of the train, automobile, and the "Missionary Special," so-called by the elders, when they travel on the highway and, perchance, receive a ride from some hospitable traveler. It is a wonderful opportunity of preaching the gospel.
Wherever missionaries go, they take with them the spirit of preaching the gospel; and so, on one of the street corners in Mesa, they congregated together on the nights of Saturday and Sunday and held street meetings, gathering large crowds to listen to the gospel message expounded from the street corner as well as from the temple.
A group of 135 missionaries who attended the dedication of the Arizona temple, Mesa, Arizona
Front row: Visitor, Wm. C. Drage, C.; visitor, Daniel L. Corry. C., pres. San Jose dist.; Laurence Weber, C.; Leo H. Nielson, sec. C.; Donald M. Pack, W. S., pres. San Luis dist.; Walter M. Montgomery, W. S. pres. New Mexico dist.; Everette Bennion, sec. W. S.; C. Phillip Lambert, C., pres. San Bernardino dist.; O. Robert McKinley, C., pres. Long Beach dist.; James A. Cullimore, C., pres. San Diego dist.; Geo. H. Marchant, C., supt. Y. M. M. I. A. and S. school; L. Burt Farnsworth, M., pres. Arizona dist. 2nd row: Henry Jones; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Sonteo, Indian missionaries; Jennie Jensen, M.; Lila Higgbee, M.; Mable C. Davis, M.; John M. Knight, pres. W. S.; Mrs. John M. Knight, W. S.; Rey L. Pratt, pres. M.; Mrs. Rey L. Pratt, M.; Mrs. S. O. Bennion, C. S.; Samuel O. Bennion, pres. C. S.; Jos. W. McMurrin, pres. C.; Margaret K. Miller, pres, Relief Society, C.; Charlotte Stahr, asst. pres, R. S. C.; D. Waldon Ballard, pres. Sacramento dist.; N. Grace Holman, C., corres. sec.; Hilda M. Widdison, M.; Dorthy Downey, C.; Ethel Chadwick, C.; Elsie Hogan; Daniel H. Johnson, book comm. C.; M. Reedo Beebe, C.; pres. Nevada dist. 3rd row: Mary Wainwright, C.; visitor; Virginia Porter, C.; R. H. Stewart. C.; Sophia Lund, C.; Joel T. Humphries, W. S.; Alton L. Braithwaite, W. S.; Stacy D. Garn, W. S.; Oel C. Hoss, W. S.; Jos. E. Lister, W. S.; Ray Archibald, W. S.; Boyd Covington, W. S.; Wayne Francis, W. S.; Ellis Shaffer, W. S.; Delbert C. Knudson, W. S.; Gerald G. Weaver, W. S.; Erwin Fisher, C.; Vetta Linford, C.; Cleon Attwood, C.; Arlene Ashcroft, C., pres. Y. L. M. I. A. and Primaries; T. Erwin King, C.; R. Claud Boyce, C., pres. Arizona dist.; Cloy H. Rallison, C.; Trulan O. Eyre, C.; Alex O. Coleman, C.; Geo. P. Lytle, C.; Maurine Gammett, C.; Nina Halliday, C.; A. Ova Johnson, C.; Winneford Hollis, C.; Leah Hacking, C.; Edna Halls, C.; Melba Farley, M., corres. sec.; Grace Cheever; D. H. Higginbotham, M.; Seth Hoops. 4th row: Norman B. Wing, C.; Howard G. Kelly, C.; James C. Farr, C., visitor; LaVar M. Black, M.; Kenneth S. Carlile, C.; Nellie Madson, C.; Everett F. Devy, C.; M. S. Davis, M.; Weston N. Nordgran, M.; Earl G. Whittaker, C., visitor; E. C. Willis. C.; Melvin C. Wall, C.; Hazel C. Day, C.; Marion S. Skinner, M.; Walter B. Mason, C.; Arthur M. Coombs, C.; Violet Hasty, C.; Cassis A. Jensen, C.; Walter Neville, C.; Lauri I. Astoll; Donald H. Schoffield, C.; Lola McLaughlin, M.; Arthur Hogan, M., visitor. 5th row: Grant L. Bayles, M.; Melvin Thurgood, M.; Ernest Huber, M.; John O. Stock, M.; J. Glen Wright, C.; Dona David, C.; Cecil G. Bargeron, C.; J. Arnold Thurgood, C.; S. Marlo Topham, M.; Vernal A. Smith, C.; Verd A. Hanks, C.; W. Udall, M.; B. A. Farnsworth, M.; Fred T. Ash, M.; Nornon L. Schofield, C.; O. Truman Swallow, C.; Ezra M. Hawes, C.; Delbert Fugal, C.; John Larsen, C.; Kenneth Summers, C.-California mission, C.; Western states mission, W. S.; Central states mission, C. S.; Mexican mission, M.
My daughter's ex-fiancé is a missionary in the Arizona Mesa mission. He regularly accesses the internet during the week and not just on P-day. He chats with girls via Facebook, including a 17 year-old girl living in the mission. He even finds excuses to visit this girl who lives outside of his area. Although he was called on the carpet by his mission president, he continues to use the internet and Facebook during the week.
What justification is there for any missionary to access the internet? Research can be done via dead tree method. Letters can still be written by hand. Access to the internet by missionaries opens to door to abuse, including pornography.
Dr. B... Hope you are reading this as the post date of your blog was in 2008. My husbands uncle owns the house at 2067 South Hobart Blvd. in Los Angeles! I am very interested in the rich history of the home! Please contact me through this blog so we can speak! Thank You! Tobi
There isn't a lot I can tell you about the home other than to check the Deseret News archives historical collection
You can email me at:
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