Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission

Bolivia Santa Cruz


LDS Mission Network

Dear Elder--Elder Aaron Puglisi 

MissionSite.Net--Elder Eric Anderson 

MissionSite.Net--Elder Oscar Fierro

MissionSite Net--Elder Craig Ruttan

La Misión de Bolivia - Santa Cruz

Flickr--Andrew Steele, Mission Bolivia Santa Cruz 1978-1980


LDS Mission Network

“New Mission Presidents Begin Service,” (Fernando E. Calderon) Ensign, July 2010, 77

"Obituaries," (Alfredo Meijome, 88, who presided over the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission from 1981-82 and the Bolivia Cochabamba Mission from 1982-84, died April 24, 2010, in Mesa, Ariz.) Church News [Saturday, 1 May 2010].

"New Mission Presidents," (Fernando Enrique Calderon) Church News [Saturday, 13 March 2010].

"Mission Presidents Assignments for 2010," (new mission president Fernando E. Calderon, former mission president Steven F. Maynes) Church News [Saturday, 13 February 2010].

Grandpa Bill's--W. Douglas Shumway (former mission president 1998-2001, member of the Second Quorum of Seventy)

DeVere Richard McAllister Obituary (former mission president of the Bolivia La Paz and Bolivia Santa Cruz Missions from 1975 to 1978) Cedar City Review 14 February 2008

“New Mission Presidents Now in Place,” (Kevin D. McCracken) Liahona, Aug. 2007, N4–N5

“New Mission Presidents Now in Place Worldwide,” (Kevin D. McCracken) Ensign, July 2007, 77–78

"New Mission Presidents," (Kevin De Mar McCracken) Church News [Saturday, 24 March 2007].

"New Mission Presidents Receive Assignments," (new mission president Kevin D. McCracken, former mission president J. Stephen Cranney) Church News [Saturday, 3 March 2007].

Don Ray Clarke, (former mission president 2001-2004 called to Second Quorum of the Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 27 May 2006].

Shaun D. Stahle," Great Things Come from Small Things: Fearlessly proclaim gospel, Elder Don Clarke taught," (former mission president called to Second Quorum of the Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 27 May 2006].

"Seventies Called," (former mission president Don R. Clark called to Second Quorum of Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 8 April 2006].

"The New Called Are Sustained," (former mission president Don R. Clarke called to Second Quorum of Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 1 April 2006].

“New Mission Presidents Begin Service,” (J. Stephen Cranney) Ensign, July 2004, 74–75

"New Mission Presidents," (John Stephen Cranney) Church News [Saturday, 27 March 2004].

"New and Returning Mission Presidents for 113 Missions," (new mission president J. Stephen Cranney, former mission president Don R. Clark) Church News [Saturday, 6 March 2004].

Jason Swenson, "New General Authority: Loyal to a Legacy of Covenant Living," (former mission president W. Douglas Shumway 1998-2001 called to the Second Quorum of the Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 24 May 2003].

"Elder W. Douglas Shumway," (former mission president 1998-2001 called to Second Quorum of the Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 24 May 2003].

"Leaders called; 5 new General Authorities," (former mission president W. Douglas Shumway called to Second Quorum of the Seventy) Church News [Saturday, 12 April 2003].

"New and Returning Mission Presidents," (new mission president Don R. Clarke, former mission president Wilford Douglas Shumway) Church News [Saturday, 10 March 2001].

"Eight More Mission Presidents Have Been Called," (W. Douglas Shumway) Church News [Saturday, 21 March 1998].

“Church Calls New Mission Presidents,” (Alfred Meijome of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission) Ensign, May 1981, 109–110

“New Mission Presidents and Their Assignments Noted,” (C. Chase Allred, Jr., president of the Bolivia La Paz Mission, is being transferred to the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission) Ensign, June 1978, 78


Marianne Holman, "Transferred Home Adjusting to a  Life After a Mission: Staying Spiritually Strong after Honorable Service," (quotes Sister Shiree Bott) Church News [Saturday, 22 May 2010].

"Country Information: Bolivia," Church News [Saturday, 25 January 2010].

"North American Missionaries Leave Bolivia as Precaution," LDS Newsroom [16 September 2008].

Ron Orozco McClatchy, "Day Truly Special for LDS Moms," (Sister Lori Champlin, 2004-2006) Deseret News [12 May 2007].

"LDS missionaries leave Bolivia: They're sent to Peru in wake of civil unrest," Deseret News [Tuesday, 16 September 2006].

Julio E. D Vila, "The Church in Northern South America," Encyclopedia of Mormonism

“The Church in … Bolivia,” Liahona, June 2008, 48

Judy C. Olsen, “Bolivia: A Bounty of Blessings,” Liahona, Aug 2000, 34

"New Missions Created; Total Now 331 Missions," (The new Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission will be created from a division of the Cochabamba and La Paz missions) Church News [Saturday, 10 January 1998].

“Thirteen New Missions Created,” ( The Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission is created from a division of the Bolivia Cochabamba and Bolivia La Paz Missions) Ensign, Apr. 1998, 76


Ramiro Ruiz Ceja, “With or without Piranhas,” Liahona, Feb. 2002, 30–32

Ramiro Ruiz Ceja, “Where Could We Baptize?,” Ensign, Jan. 2002, 70–71

Sandra Stallings Jenkins, “The Gift I Left Behind,” New Era, Dec 1992, 28

Sandra Stallings, “The Faith to Obey,” Tambuli, Apr 1987, 25

Sandra Stallings, “The Faith to Obey,” Ensign, Apr 1987, 34

1 comment:

John Oyhenart said...

Hello - My name is John Oyhenart. I'm am looking for my mother, Marta Oyhenart Aviles, who arrived in Santa Cruz for her mission in mid-January. I have not heard from Marta since shortly after she arrived and am concerned that something has happened to her. Can you confirm that she is safe and please pass this note on to her? My contact information in Virginia, USA is 703-919-8155 or john.oyhenart@gmail.com.

Thank you.