Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hitting the Mission Field on the Run

Ola!!!!! I just got to my mission. Right now I´m in the mission office. I just met my trainer Sister Waite, American, and found out my first area!!!!! Sao Jose Dos Campos Morumbi!!!!! She seems really cool. Not sure anything else because I still haven't traveled there yet. Its a 1.5 hour train ride away!! I was really really sad to leave the MTC because I made such good friends with everyone there, but I´m really really really excited to be here :) My companion told me that we have a baptism on Sunday, so I´m pretty excited for that. Last month they had a total of 197 baptisms in the mission. I´m excited to jump right in!!! My last week in the CTM was CRAZY!!!!! We went proselyting in the middle of the city, that was such an awesome experience!!! On Tuesday at devotional I bore my testimony in front of EVERYONE, that was pretty cool, and then on my last Sunday I gave a talk in my MTC branch. It was a really good experience because I really felt prompted by the Holy Ghost in what I needed to say. Orientation for the field was crazy as well because it was all in Portuguese and I could understand most things that I paid really close attention to, but after a little while it got really hard to keep paying attention to all the fast Portuguese!! Some days I feel like its really easy to understand and talk, but some days I feel like its impossible.... funny how that works. Hope everyone is doing really really really good!!! I hope your all being member missionaries and inviting people to church and to take the lessons from the missionaries. I know you are all probably really busy but write me (at least emails) once in a while..... Ok??????!?!?!?! Desi

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