Saturday, September 28, 2013


GUESS WHAT? I have no idea where I am going because transfers aren'tuntil tonight :( But I will tell you next saturday, or tuesday depending on whether or not I get transferred again... AHHHH I hate this waiting to find out is no fun haha. 

It was so fun getting TWO missionary letters from my family!!!!! The Brunos are taking over the world y'all. 

This week was good. We had an amazing zone conference this week. My mission president is AMAZING. He is for sure going to be an apostle. FOR SURE. He is so uplifting. We talked about teaching. Which is funny because I ended learning more about how I should be finding people then I did about actually teaching lessons. WE HAVE TO FIND/TEACH like Jesus did. And how did he do you? With love, simply, and boldly. SO I have started trying to think of modern day parables to help the people we are teaching. I know the one about authority (the police man giving a ticket) really helps people understand authority, but if you think of any other let me know. I want my teaching to improve. 

Another thing I learned is that for every 1 baptism in our mission we have to contact 312 people. That sounds really scary but my awesome mission president did the math and figured out that that means we need to have 10 meaningful contacts per day per transfer and we can have 1 baptism. That's not too bad. I can do that. 

Anyway just from the time we had the zone conference (which was on thursday) until now, I have noticed a difference in the way I contact. We need to have meaningful contacts. So quality before quantity. When you stop for a second and ask people how there day is, it makes a difference. 

Another highlight of the week, we had a meeting with Karel. He is so great. We asked him what made him happy and he said making other people happy. He is awesome but I get scared that that is the only reason he meets with us! He wants to make us happy. He loved church, BUT ON THE OTHER HAND (his favorite words) he still isn't sure God is there :( WHAAT DO I DOOOO? We don't know exactly how to help, so we have spent a lot of time praying about him this week. I just feel it in my bones that he is going to make it. He is going to get an answer, he just needs to be asking for it first!!! 

It was a great week. I hope you are all having a wonderful week as well

s laskou
Sestra Bruno

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