Friday, August 7, 2009

Interesting Mission President Factoids: How Far Does a Mission President Travel in A Year

Have you ever wondered how many miles a mission president travels each year in performing his duties? President Paul Beck of the Arizona Phoenix Mission shared these fascinating factoids on his mission blog:

President has survived another year of 190 missionaries, and 15 couples. He has traveled 30,00 miles in the mission to attend Zone Conferences, Interviews, Baptisms and Meetings. Every six weeks he interviews approximately (it changes every cycle) 200 missionaries, which works out to be about 2,000 plus interviews at about 500 hours total. He has traveled the mission with Elder Pickerd, our area Seventy, two different times to meet with our 17 Stake Presidents so we are completely aligned in our work. It has been an exciting year of growth as we have tried to groom our missionaries to become "The best of the best". President has labored relentlessly and full speed ahead for the cause of bringing souls unto Christ. As he took off his suit to hang it up last night he noticed the wear and tear. I reminded him that when you wear a suit for approximately 16 hours a day for the last 400 days then one can assume that it will show it's wear.
I don't really know how he calculated his mileage unless it was from his odometer but I would imagine it is close guestimation. I had not really considered how far mission presidents travel each year in their missions. It would be interesting if the church kept such factoids.

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